Questions Bank. 8 .S.St.

Questions Bank. 8.S.St.

Chapter- 1.Geography. Resources and Development.
Q.1. What are resources?
 Answer :  All the things on earth, which are necessary  for our existence on this planet, are 
known as resources.
Q.2. Name the metallic ores which are recyclable. 
Answer : Gold and silver are recyclable
Q.3. How much barrels of oil might lie beneath the Arctic sea-bed?
Answer : 400 billion barrels lie beneath the Arctic sea-bed.
Chapter - 2. Geography. Natural Resources. Land Soil and Water 
Q.1. What is soil ?
Answer : . Lithosphere consists of loose material called soil
Q.2. Where is the maximum forest cover in the world ?
Answer :  Suriname ( South America)
Q.3. Where is Aswan Dam located ?
Answer :  The Aswan Dam is located in Egypt.
Chapter -3.Geography.Natural Resources. Vegetation and Wild Life.  
Q.1. What is natural vegetation?
Answer : The assemblage of plant species in an environment is known as natural vegetation. 
Q.2. Which trees of Tropical Rain Forests are very tall and also tell their height ?
Answer : Hardwood trees and height is 60 meters ( 200 feet ).

Q.3. What is another name of Tropical Deciduous Forests ?
Answer : Monsoon Forests
Q.4. What is another name of Kookabura?
Answer :  Laughing Jackass

Chapter -8. History. The Modern India 
Q.1. When the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb breathed his last ?
Answer : The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb breathed his last 1707
Q.2. When did power go  into the hands of the British Crown ?
Answer : The  power did go  into the hands of the British Crown 1858. 
Q.3. How many  books does Gandhi Smriti have ?
Answer : The  Gandhi Smriti does have 60,000 books.
Q.4. Who has written Anandmath ?
Answer : Bankim Chandra  Chattopadhyay has written the Anandmath
Chapter - 9. Establishment of Company Rule in India. 
Q.1. What is meant by saltpetre ?
Answer :  Saltpetre as a raw material is used for making gun powder. 
Q.2. Who is the fourth Nizam of Hyderabad ?
Answer : Salabat Jung is the fourth Nizam of Hyderabad.
Chapter  -10.History. Colonialism Rural and Tribal Societies.
Q.1. Who introduced Zamindari System and when ?
Answer :  Lord Cornwallis introduced Zamindari System, in1793.
Q.2. When Kacha Nagas revolted ?
Answer :  Kacha Nagas revolted in 1882.
Chapter -11.History.The First War of Independence. 
Q.1. When the Revolt of 1857 started ?
Answer :  The Revolt of 1857 started on May 10 1857.
Q.2. Some other names of the Revolt of 1857.
Answer : Some other names of the Revolt of 1857 are  Uprising ,Sepoy  Mutiny and the First 
War of Independence

Chapter - 16.Civics.Our Constitution. 
Q.1. What is meant by provinces?
Answer :   States meant by provinces.
Q.2. How many parts does Indian Constitution have ?
Answer :   Indian Constitution does have 22   parts.
Q.3. Who presided the Indian Constitution?
Answer : Dr. Rajendra Prasad  presided the Indian Constitution.
Q.4. Who is head of the state in India ?
Answer : President( Rashtrapati) is head of the state in India 
Q.5. Constitution is what type of source of our laws?
Answer :  Pivot and Primary
Chapter -17.Civics.Fundamental Laws. 
Q.1. Which Amendment of 1978 removed the Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights?
Answer :  44th Amendment removed the Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights.
Q.2. When Right to Privacy was declared as a Fundamental Right ?
Answer : Right to Privacy was declared as a Fundamental Right August 2017.
Q.3. How many types of writs are there?
Answer : Five  types of writs are there.
Q.4. How many Fundamental Duties  are there in our Indian Constitution ?
Answer : There   are 11 Fundamental Duties in our Indian Constitution. 
Q.5. Who has the power of issuing writs ?
Answer : Supreme Court has the power of issuing writs.

Answer Sheet 
Ch -1 
Q.1. Ans All the things on earth, which are necessary  for our existence on this planet, are known as resources. 
Q.2.Gold and silver 
Q.3. 400 billion barrels 
Ch -2
Q.1. Lithosphere consists of loose material called soil. 
Q.2. Suriname ( South America)
Q.3. Egypt
Ch - 3
Q.1. The assemblage of plant species in an environment is known as natural vegetation. 
Q.2. Hardwood trees and height is 60 metres ( 200 feet ).
Q.3. Monsoon Forests
Q.4. Laughing Jackass
Q.1. 1707
Q.2. 1858 
Q.3. 60,000
Q.4. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Ch- 9 
Q.1. Raw material for making gun powder. 
Q.2. Salabat Jung
Ch - 10 
Q.1. Lord Cornwallis, 1793
Q.2. 1882
Q.1. May 10
Q.2. Uprising ,Sepoy  Mutiny and the First War of Independence
Ch -16
Q.1. States
Q.2. 22
Q.3. Dr. Rajendra Prasad 
Q.4. President( Rashtrapati )
Q.5. Pivot and Primary
Ch -17
Q.1.44th Amendment 
Q.2. August 2017
Q.3. Five
Q.4. Eleven 
Q.5. Supreme Court


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